
Showing posts from October, 2022

Intro post

Hello, I'm Trevor Card and this is my first post for Marketing 223. Here's a little about me I grew up in Klamath Falls Or. until 8th grade where I moved to Sherwood Or. for high school. I enjoy being an active person running soccer surfing and hiking are some of my favorite activities. I'm an active member in Acacia Fraternity at OSU. I'm studying business at OSU double majoring in management and administration with an international option and a minor in marketing. So far I really enjoy the entrepreneurial side of business and have taken the 160 series at OSU where I created a small business with a team and competed with the rest of the classes to see who could make the most profitable business in two terms. We took second in profit and first in the final business pitch competition.   I’ve done stocks and nfts; reselling shoes, consoles , graphics cards, and other various products; I’ve also done some things with drop shipping.  Through all of these experiences I'v